Local Network Data Retention Policy


Cedar Crest College recognized the importance of protecting, securing, and backing up the data that is created and used by the College.  This policy helps to define and communicate how we back up data, where it is stored, and for how long.


Cedar Crest College recognized the importance of protecting, securing, and backing up the data that is created and used by the College.  This policy helps to define and communicate how we back up data, where it is stored, and for how long.

This policy applies to all Cedar Crest College employees, students, and their e-mail data.

Local Network Data

As with any network, we create, store, and utilize a great deal of data that is primarily housed on-campus.  To help protect this data, the Office of Information Technology has a layered backup and protection system.

Server Backup Policies:

  • File Data Servers: Such as CCCMAIN, CCCCOMMSTORAGE2, and similar file servers
    Backed up incrementally throughout the day, every day.
    At the end of each day, the culmination of the data (both newly changed/created and static/old data) are combined into one backup for the day.  This combined image is transmitted to the College's cloud data backup provider (Datto).
    Data retention points throughout each day and the daily backup image are kept for up to 14 days on the local network device.
    At the end of each calendar month, the cloud data is combined into one monthly data backup image and kept in perpetuity in the off-site location.
    Both the local daily images and cloud monthly images are able to be brought online as a functional server at any time.
  • Database (Windows SQL) Servers: Such as CCCDOC, CCCDOORS, and similar database servers
    Backed up incrementally throughout the day, every day.
    At the end of each day, the culmination of the data (both newly changed/created and static/old data) are combined into one backup for the day.  This combined image is transmitted to the College's cloud data backup provider (Datto).
    Data retention points throughout each day and the daily backup image are kept for up to 14 days on the local network device.
    At the end of each calendar month, the cloud data is combined into one monthly data backup image and kept in perpetuity in the off-site location.
    Both the local daily images and cloud monthly images are able to be brought online as a functional server at any time.
  • Other Servers: Such as CCC-DC01, CCC-PaperCut1, and other non-data reliant servers.
    Backed up at the end of every day.
    At the end of each week, the culmination of the data (both newly changed/created and static/old data) are combined into one backup for the day.  This combined image is transmitted to the College's cloud data backup provider (Datto).
    Data retention points throughout each day and the daily backup image are kept for up to 14 days on the local network device.
    At the end of each calendar month, the cloud data is combined into one monthly data backup image and kept in perpetuity in the off-site location.
    Both the local daily images and cloud monthly images are able to be brought online as a functional server at any time.

E-Mail Retention

E-Mail backup and retention policies are defined here.