Technology Purchasing and Acquisition Policy


The Office of Information Technology is primarily responsible for the support and usability of technology across campus, and within the cloud services to which we subscribe. To enable this in the best way possible, the Office of Information Technology has crafted this policy regarding purchasing technology products for the college, or for use with college systems.



The Office of Information Technology is primarily responsible for the support and usability of technology across campus, and within the cloud services to which we subscribe. The Office of Information Technology has knowledge and expertise in specifying, recommending and implementing technology products and services while maintaining a consistent user experience at a reasonable cost. To enable this in the best way possible, the Office of Information Technology has crafted this policy regarding purchasing technology products for the college, or for use with college systems.

This policy will help ensure that all technology (hardware and software):

  • is compatible with the college network environment;
  • complies with the college technology security policy;
  • is properly licensed for use;
  • can be supported (hardware or software);
  • has a plan for support beyond the initial implementation.

Policy Statement

  1. Click Here to Request a Technology Purchase
  2. The purchase of any and all technology hardware, software, or systems that interact with the college network must go through the Office of Information Technology regardless of the funding source. 
  3. The Office of Information Technology does not purchase printers for individual faculty or staff members.  Any purchase of a printer (or other technology item) must be requested via the technology purchasing procedure.
  4. All technology purchasing requests should include the following information and be sent to the Director of Information Technology directly unless otherwise specified:
    1. Quantities
    2. Complete description of the technology being requested
    3. Reasoning for technology request
    4. Vendor contact information (if necessary)
    5. Account to be charged
    6. Date the technology is needed
  5. All requests must be submitted a minimum of one month before the technology is needed to be implemented. Requests that come with less than one month lead time may not be able to be fulfilled by the date requested.
  6. A unified purchasing policy allows for a standardization of technologies being used across campus, which helps increase the usability of technology. In the case that your department’s needs are for something nonstandard, a justification for that variance from the standard will need to be included in the request.
  7. Technology purchases that are made outside of this policy, or without the knowledge of the Office of Information Technology may not be supported by the Office of Information Technology, or may not function properly with the college network. Information Technology reserves the right to prevent the use of such technology when it is damaging to the operation of other technology resources on campus.



Article ID: 53417
Mon 5/7/18 2:45 PM
Thu 9/9/21 10:11 AM

