Computer Lab Locations and Hours


Information on lab locations, computer stations, printing and scanning capabilities, and a link to the daily room schedules.


Lab Locations and Hours

 Lab Name



 Daily Class Schedule 

Student Stations 

Black & White Printing 

 Color Printing

Web Print Available 

Scanning Stations 

BHA 4 Blaney Hall Basement
Room 4
7am - 2am M-Su* Blaney 4 24  Yes  No  No  No 
BHA 8 Blaney Hall Basement
Room 8 
7am - 2am M-Su* Blaney 8     23  Yes   No  No  Yes
CUR 104 Curtis Hall Basement
Room 104
7am - 2am M-Su* Curtis 104  20 Yes   No  No  No
HBB 10 Hamilton Boulevard Building
Room 10
7am - 2am M-Su* HBB 10  10  Yes   No  No  No
MIL 20 Miller Family Building
​​​​​​​Room 20
7am - 2am M-Su*  Miller 20  20  Yes   No  No   Yes
SSC Cressman Library
​​​​​​​Main Floor
Available during 
Building Hours
No Classes Scheduled**  16  Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes 
Res Hall Labs Varies

Available 24/7
to building residents

No Classes Scheduled**  3  Yes   No  Yes   No
CONV  Convergence Lab
Cressman Library
​​​​​​​Main Floor        
Available during 
Building Hours
to New Media and
Design course students only
Conv Lab  20  Yes      Yes  No  No

*The computer labs are available for the Cedar Crest Community Monday–Sunday 7AM-2AM. However, building doors are locked between 10:00pm and 11:00pm, so you need to be in the building before it closes. When Security is ready to close the lab, you must finish whatever you are doing within 5 minutes.

**In addition to the Res Hall Labs, the Cressman Library SSC is the only lab on campus that is solely reserved for students. The other labs are used for classes, but are available to students when not in use.