Can't Connect to FalconNet Wireless on Department or Loaner Laptop


If you can't connect to FalconNet Wireless on a college owned device, this might help!


FalconNet authentication is based on the network's ability to understand who you are, where you are and how you are accessing the network.  It does this by acknowledging that the computer is allowed on the network and that the person on it is authorized to use the Cedar Crest College network.  In order to do that, the following requirements are necessary:

  • The computer must have a valid computer account in FalconNet (Active Directory)
  • The account used on the computer must be a valid FalconNet user account.
  • Local accounts, such as the serial number or "loaner" are not able to connect to FalconNet Wireless.

If you are on a department shared laptop, or a loaner laptop from the Office of Information Technology and can't connect to FalconNet wireless, make sure you have logged in with your assigned FalconNet account.  If you are not sure what you use your FalconNet account for, click here for a list of services that use your FalconNet account.

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