The Office of Instructional Design Services supports the academic mission of Cedar Crest College by helping faculty find innovative ways to use technology to achieve their teaching goals. Drawing on expertise in both technology and pedagogy, the Instructional Design staff assist faculty with projects, share information across campus about effective practices and examine the effect of technology on teaching and learning. They provide support to faculty developing and delivering classes using online resources.
Services We Provide
- Orienting faculty to the Cedar Crest Online interface.
- Regular faculty information sessions covering Cedar Crest Online tips and tricks.
- Orienting faculty to the online teaching environment.
- Multiple media and web development project management
- Pedagogical assistance in effective use of instructional media.
- Technical support to Faculty course development and maintenance.
- Microsoft office suite Microsoft office suite support in the classroom
- Media and web development and related services
- Media Scanning support and training (photos, slides, etc.)
- Media and course content archiving. This ranges from file management help to burning of CD's.
- Multimedia DVD video production
- Synchronized media rich online presentations
- CD/DVD burning - discs are created for student projects, faculty conference presentation, faculty lectures etc.
- Audio and Video digitizing Video capturing and streaming eLearning content.
- Teaching Workshops (eLearning, HTML, Powerpoint, audio recording etc)
- Leadership in the identification and evaluation of emerging technologies and facilitation of their integration, as appropriate in the teaching, learning and outreach functions of the college.
Getting Help
Please visit our Services Page to view all available services and request assistance. If you have issues with the service form, or need more immediate assistance (within 2 business days) please contact Matt Kile Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm at 610-606-4666 ext 3390 or