Remote Network Connection and Use Policy


This policy governs the use of College technology resources remotely via VPN or other remote mechanisms.



Access to computer systems and networks owned or operated by Cedar Crest College imposes certain responsibilities and obligations and is granted subject to College policies, and local, state, and federal laws. Use of the College technology resources must be ethical, secure, reflect academic honesty, and show restraint in the consumption of shared resources. It demonstrates respect for intellectual property, ownership of data, system security mechanisms, and individuals' rights to privacy and freedom from intimidation and harassment.

Policy Statement

  1. Remote use of College computer resources or data networks implies the acceptance of this policy and the Acceptable Use Policy.  This includes, but is not limited to VPN access, remote application server access (FalconApps), cloud-based resources (Jenzabar, et al, heretofore referred to as “College technology resources.”
  2. Any and all connections to College’s technology resources must be considered “secured.”  This includes, but is not limited to connecting via: HTTPS, Secured WIFI (password, 802.1x, WPA2), FTPS, and similar secured technologies. 
  3. The following are the only acceptable methods of accessing College technology resources remotely:  TeamViewer, VPN, Remote Desktop (through VPN connection), FalconApps streaming application server, Microsoft Office 365 tools. 
  4. Use of College technology resources remotely can be done from any standard computer, tablet, smartphone, or other mobile device via a secure connection (as detailed above). 
  5. Anyone using a personal device for College-related work in any capacity is required to have an actively updating Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware product that is in addition to anything provided by the operating system vendor.  Click here for a list of suggested products.
  6. Failure to meet the standards set forth in this policy may result in remote access being limited or disabled for your account.

Personal Use

Your work may involve the use of computers, software, telephone, fax, printing or other computing or communications resources.  Cedar Crest employees are permitted to use these resources for limited personal use provided they have the permission of their supervisor, the personal use does not affect their job performance or responsibilities, and that such use does not conflict with this or any other College policies.

Revised: 04/22/2021



Article ID: 131521
Thu 4/22/21 12:27 PM
Mon 2/3/25 10:21 PM