Follow these instructions to install the Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN client on your computer.
- You will need to be off-campus and at the computer that you would like to install the VPN client. Open a web browser and navigate to
If you have trouble downloading the install, you can access them from our shared OneDrive file at the link below (must login to Office 365 for access).
- You may see a warning in your browser such as the one below, warning you that the security certificate is not correct for the website. If you do, click on ADVANCED
- Next, click on the "Proceed to (unsafe)" link, it is safe.
- Next you will be asked to login. Login with your Cedar Crest network login credentials. This is the same username and password that you would use to log in to Cedar Crest Online (Canvas), computers on campus, Astra Schedule and other resources). Then click Login.
- After logging in, you will be able to choose the client that is right for your computer. Select the Windows 64-bit version.
- If you receive this dialog box, click Run.
- Click Next at the GlobalProtect Setup Wizard dialog box.
- At the User Account Control box, click Yes.
- Click Close after the installation is complete.
- GlobalProtect will automatically start after the installation. To connect to the Cedar Crest Network, fill in the following information, then click Connect.
- Portal:
- Username: Your Cedar Crest Network Login
- Password: Your Cedar Crest Network Password
- You will receive this certificate error. You will receive this message/error every time you connect to the Cedar Crest VPN.

Click Continue to finish connecting.
- Once connected, you will receive this welcome message. If you do not want to see this every time you connect, click the box next to Do not display this page again
- Once connected, the GlobalProtect dialog box will be on the screen. You can minimize it to begin working. Note: the portal address will be greyed out, and the Status will say Connected.
To Disconnect, click the Disconnect button.
- To connect to the VPN in the future, run the GlobalProtect program and click Connect.