NOTE: You must be connected to the College VPN in order to access College network drives from off-campus.
- Make sure you are connected to the College VPN if you are off-campus, or using a personal computer.
Open File Explorer from the taskbar or the Start menu, or press the Windows logo key + E.
Select This PC from the left pane. Then, on the Computer tab, select Map network drive.

- Next, choose the drive letter and folder location for each drive you wish to map. The locations of the most commonly mapped drives are below.

- L:\ Drive
- Drive: L:
- Folder: \\cccmain.cedarcrest.local\dept_data
- H:\ Drive
- Drive: H:
- Folder: \\cccmain.cedarcrest.local\users\<UN> , replacing <UN> with your network login name. (ex. \\cccmain.cedarcrest.local\users\jasmith)
- F:\ Drive
- Drive: F:
- Folder: \\cccmain.cedarcrest.local\admin
- P:\ Drive
- Drive: P:
- Folder: \\ccc-storage02.cedarcrest.local\Courses
- Q:\ Drive
- Drive: Q:
- Folder: \\cccmain.cedarcrest.local\DEattachments
- R:\ Drive
- Drive: R:
- Folder: \\cccmain.cedarcrest.local\IA_Exports
- V:\ Drive
- Drive: V:
- Folder: \\cccmain.cedarcrest.local\IA_Batch_Data
- W:\ Drive
- Drive: W:
- Folder: \\ccc-marketingcedarcrest.local\commmarket
- Z:\ Drive
- Drive: Z:
- Folder: \\cccdining\edrive
- Check the box Reconnect at logon, then click Finish.
- A Windows Security window will appear asking for your network password.
- If you are on campus, enter your FalconNet user name. (ex. jasmith)
- If you are off campus using the College VPN, you must enter the domain then username, in the format cedarcrest\<UN>, replacing <UN> with your FalconNet user name. (ex. Cedarcrest\jasmith).
- For password, enter your current FalconNet (network) login password.
- Click OK to map the drive. If you need to map additional drives, return to step 2.

NOTE: You only need to map the drives once. After that, they will remain in your list under Computer. You can access them as soon as you connect to the VPN.