Incoming Student Guides


A list of articles to help new students master online resources on campus.


As an accepted or newly-enrolled student at Cedar Crest College, you may have questions about email, My CedarCrest, preparing for your online course, or other technology-related questions. Our department has compiled a list of the most common topics new students ask us about, and what we feel you'll need to know as you start your journey at Cedar Crest!

Information Technology Helpdesk Hours and Contact Information

Can't find what you need below? Contact Us!

Before You Arrive

A brief list of must dos for new students before arriving on campus for the semester.

Recommended New Computer Specifications and Minimum Requirements for Older Technology

Information for students purchasing technology or bringing currently owned technology on campus. Includes information for Windows and Mac devices, Smart technology, gaming devices and peripherals.

Logging into ALEKS Math Assessment

Information on how to login to take your placement assessment.

FalconNet Account Information

Wonder what your FalconNet account is for? Click to find out!

Your Cedar Crest Email Account

Information on accessing your Office 365 email account, and other helpful articles on using Outlook.

Microsoft Office 365

Along with Outlook for email, your account gives you free access to the full Office 365 suite. Click here for installation directions.

Your My CedarCrest Account

My CedarCrest is our online portal for students to view financial aid information, register for courses, view grades and more. Click here for login help and more information.

Support for Personal Devices

Information Technology offers limited support for connectivity issues for personal devices. Click here for more details.

Campus Wireless Network

Our campus uses a secured wireless network, available throughout campus, inside and out! Click here to find directions specific for your device. 

Printing Over the Wireless Network

Students are given a print quota each year to print to designated printers on campus. Here you'll find directions on how to print from your personal device to designated printers on campus.

Computer Labs and Classrooms

Not bringing your laptop on campus? Need to use course-specific software? Click here for more information on our multiple computer labs available for student use on campus.

New Student Guide to CANVAS

Link to the new student guide for accessing the online portion of your classes.

Audiovisual Services - Student Equipment Loan Policy

Information Technology has a limited number of devices that students can check out for student projects. Click here to learn more, 



Article ID: 84886
Wed 8/14/19 11:28 AM
Mon 7/26/21 1:13 PM