What is Your FalconNet Account?

Tags FalconNet


The majority of online resources you will use as a student or employee on campus will require your FalconNet login and password. 

This account will give you access to email, campus computers, wireless network access, CANVAS course portal, and more. For a complete list, visit Resources that Use Your FalconNet Account.

Your User Name and Email Address

  • For students, your FalconNet user name is created using the following format: First-Initial, Middle-Initial, Up to first 6 letters of Last Name. For example, Jane A. Smith's FalconNet user name would be JASmith. 
  • For faculty and staff who started work after June of 2017, your FalconNet user name will be in the format of firstname.lastname, like this: jane.smith.
  • FalconNet email addresses are created by combining your FalconNet user name with "@cedarcrest.edu."  For example, Jane's email address would be JASmith@cedarcrest.ed as a student, or Jane.Smith@cedarcrest.edu as an employee.

Your Password

  • When your account is created, you will be sent your login name and a temporary password to the personal email address on file. The password will contain, in part, your Student or Jenzabar ID number. 
  • Before you can access any account that uses your FalconNet login, you must enroll on our password management site. When you enroll, you will create a unique password for your FalconNet account, and create security questions that will allow you to reset your password at any time, in any place. For directions, visit the main page for FalconNet Account information for mobile and web browser directions. 
  • If you forget your password and are unable to reset it yourself, you can contact the IT Helpdesk at 610-606-4635 or at helpdesk@cedarcrest.edu for assistance. Keep in mind that you will need to know your Student or Jenzabar ID number in order to re-gain access to your account. 
  • Don't know your Student or Jenzabar ID number? Visit ID Number Request.
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