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- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
Policy covering the creation and alteration of FalconNet account passwords.
- Knowledge Base
- Network (Wired & Wireless) and Security
If you can't connect to FalconNet Wireless on a college owned device, this might help!
- Knowledge Base
- Network (Wired & Wireless) and Security
- Wireless
Tips for connection issues on iOS devices to the FalconNet wireless system.
- Knowledge Base
- Network (Wired & Wireless) and Security
- Wireless
What is EDUROAM and what can I do with it?
- Knowledge Base
- Network (Wired & Wireless) and Security
- Wireless
Campus community directions for accessing the FalconNet Wireless system from an iOS device.
- Knowledge Base
- Network (Wired & Wireless) and Security
- Wireless
Campus community directions for accessing the FalconNet Wireless system from a MacOS device.
- Knowledge Base
- Network (Wired & Wireless) and Security
- Wireless
Registering streaming devices for wireless access on FalconStream
- Knowledge Base
- Network (Wired & Wireless) and Security
- Wireless
Tips for connection issues on Android devices to the FalconNet wireless system.
- Knowledge Base
- Network (Wired & Wireless) and Security
- Wireless
Tips for connection issues on Windows devices to the FalconNet wireless system.
- Knowledge Base
- Network (Wired & Wireless) and Security
- Wireless
Tips for connection issues on MAC OS devices to the FalconNet wireless system.
- Knowledge Base
- FalconNet Account
List of online resources that use your FalconNet account for access.
- Knowledge Base
- FalconNet Account
In order to further secure your FalconNet account, Cedar Crest has begun enrolling accounts into FalconNet Multifactor Authentication for Office 365. Multifactor authentication requires that you know your username, your password, and verify your login via another method. Here is how your configure and use your account with MFA.
- Knowledge Base
- My CedarCrest
If you've forgotten your MyCedarCrest password - it is the same one you use to access FalconLink and Cedar Crest Online (Canvas). Because FalconNet now controls your MyCedarCrest login information, you will need to change your password via FalconLink Password Reset.
- Knowledge Base
- My CedarCrest
MyCedarCrest is an online service that allows the College community to access information stored in Jenzabar in a web interface. Here is how you log into MyCedarCrest with your FalconNet username.
- Knowledge Base
- FalconLink
FalconLink is the universal application launch pad for Cedar Crest College's many applications. One of the features of FalconLink is the ability to change your FalconNet password (here is what FalconNet password controls) from anywhere, and anytime -- even if you have forgotten it. Here is how you do it!