Upgrading ReportExec Dispatch Client Software

After the upgrade to 2020.2, we need to uninstall and then install the newer version of ReportExec Dispatch.  Here are the steps (From OmniGo's website - if, in practice, these need modification, please make notes and modify these instructions)

  1. Before taking the following steps, please make sure you UNINSTALL your current version of Dispatch. This will only have to be done for versions that are older than 2020.2 (or that have been installed on a per workstation basis). This *should* be the only part of the process that will require IT or elevated credential involvement.
  2. You will now have your own Omnigo Dispatch download site. The URL you will use is https://cedarcrestcollege.omnigo.one/OmnigoDispatch 
  3. You must be logged in as the user who needs to use the software.  Dispatch must be installed per user per workstation and not just per workstation (each person using the software must do the install)
  4. Dispatch will now be installed to a new folder called OmnigoDispatch located at C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local (Yes, this is stupid, but it is what it is).
  5. When 2020.2 or higher version of Dispatch is launched, it will check its version against the server. If the server is running a higher version of Report Exec, it will automatically download and update - this means that we will (probably) not have to do this again.
  6. When Dispatch updates, it will modify the "Start In" element of that user's shortcut to point to the new version. In most cases this will eliminate the need to have Dispatch installed by someone with elevated permissions as most users should be able to write to their AppData\Local folder on their computers.
  7. Once the install finishes, it will ask for a URL. The URL you will use is https://cedarcrestcollege.omnigo.one/cesireportexec - this should allow you to then log in and begin using Dispatch.


The following section is only needed if you print (or plan to print) reports directly from Dispatch and may require elevated permissions. Some of our individuals do this.

There are two new utilities that need to be installed on a per-workstation basis and they MUST be installed in the order listed below, and dlownloaded from: http://reportexec.com/updates/Saved%20Versions/New_Dispatch_Utilities/DispatchUtilities.zip



  • If you already have an older version of ReportViewer installed, there is no need to uninstall that first.
  • Once updated to 2021.3 or newer, these installers will be available in each user's AppData\Local folder: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\OmnigoDispatch\app-2021.3.9\Utilities (or newer app-202x.x.x folders)



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