AstraSchedule - Permissions, Authentication and Server Services


AstraSchedule is our web-based, cloud-hosted system for managing room and resource reservations.  Below is an overview of how it works with our systems.


Permission Roles:

During initial setup, Cedar Crest chose to copy some of the default Astra Schedule roles and then modify as needed.  All Cedar Crest users are in one of these roles.  The role names are prefixed with CC.

As indicated below, users will automatically be placed in Astra Schedule permission roles based on their active directory groups.  If a user separates from the College they will remain “active” in AstraSchedule even though they can no longer log in because their active directory account has been disabled.  Therefore, you need to go to Settings, Users and uncheck the Active box on a user’s record.  The goal is to remove the user from drop-down menus and lists in Astra Schedule.

A user does not get a user record in AstraSchedule until they log in for the first time. 

Users authenticate to AstraSchedule using LDAP authentication.  This is set up in Astra Schedule under Settings, LDAP Configuration.  You must be a system administrator in order to view this.  Users must be put in the following active directory groups which then puts them into the corresponding AstraSchedule permission groups.

Active Directory Role

Astra Schedule Role

G All Adjuncts

CC – Employee Requestor

G All Faculty

CC – Employee Requestor

G All Staff

CC – Employee Requestor

G All Students

CC – Student Requestor


Additional Permissions:
Users who will also schedule rooms and perform other functions will need to be updated in Astra Schedule itself to be in these other groups. 
You must be an administrator to do this. 

  1. First, the person must log in to AstraSchedule at least once to create their record.
  2. Then go to Settings, Users and open the user’s record.
  3. Uncheck the box reading Sync Roles with LDAP Groups.
  4. In the Security Roles section click the plus sign.
  5. Choose one of the CC roles as indicated by the person’s supervisor.
  6. Click Done.
  7. Click the x beside the default role to remove it. 
  8. Click Save.
  9. Keep the request from the supervisor as proof of the updated permissions.

    Server Service:
    There is a service that runs on the hosted server that allows for imports, exports, and report subscriptions.  If the TCC signs are not getting a new file, Campus Police are not getting their daily report or the Registrar’s Office indicates that updated room data for courses is not flowing the Jenzabar, there could be a problem with the service.  Open a support ticket with Astra Schedule and let them know that our imports, etc are not flowing.  They will restart the service on the server and check on the status of the jobs.


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