ID Number Request


Your Student or Employee (Jenzabar) ID number not only your unique identifier on campus, but is used as your My CedarCrest login name, and as your temporary FalconNet password when your account is created.

Where to Find your ID Number


  • This number is the same as your My CedarCrest login name, which you received in an email shortly after acceptance to the College
  • Your student ID number is also listed on your formal acceptance letter, your deposit letter, and almost every official correspondence you receive from Cedar Crest College. 


  • If you were previously employed at the College, or attended as a student, your ID number remains the same. This was the ID number you used to login to My CedarCrest.
  • This number is separate from your ADP employee ID used by Human Resources
  • This number will be sent to you in a separate notification when your accounts are created at hire. 

How to Receive your ID Number

To request your ID Number, click on the form link in the right column of this page. 

When requesting information, please note that in order to comply with FERPA regulations, Information Technology is only able to send requested ID information in the following formats:


  • Email: ID must be sent to the student's current Cedar Crest College email address, or the student's personal email address that is already on file. We are not able to send to an email address given over the phone, or reply with ID information from an email address that is not currently listed in the system.
  • Mailing Address: Information can be mailed to the student's home mailing address that is currently on file. 
  • In Person: Students with a valid photo ID can come to the helpdesk located in the Cressman Library to receive their ID Number.


  • Email: ID must be sent to the employee's current Cedar Crest College email address, or the employee's personal email address that is already on file. If there is no personal email address listed, or if the personal email is no longer active, the employee must receive their ID number using an alternate method.
  • In Person: Employees with a valid photo ID can come to the helpdesk located in the Cressman Library to receive their ID Number.
  • Department Admin, Manager, or Chair: Employees can also request their ID number from/through their department's admin or direct supervisor.
Request ID Number

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