FalconNet Account Name Change Request

Students who have been approved by the Registrar's Office to change their Chosen name/campus name first name, or have submitted the appropriate documents to the Registrar's Office for a legal name change can use this form to update their display name information and email address in the College email system. 

Please note: all student requests will go to the Registrar's Office for confirmation. If you submit this form before getting approval from the Registrar's Office, the request will not be processed. Employee requests will be submitted to Human Resources for approval. 

To request your name change through the Registrar's Office, please visit: My CC Name Change Request

Using this request form, the following fields can be updated:

  • First Name: Updated to chosen name/campus name Or  new legal name*
  • Surname or Last Name: Updated to approved legal name change
  • Email alias: Creation of an additional and public email address to reflect name change using the standard format for students or employees, as applicable. 

*New Chosen First name will be shared with Mail services

What will NOT change: FalconNet username. You will still login with the current login name, and your current email address will still function.

Request Name Change

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