InfoNet Report Access Request


InfoNet reports within My CedarCrest require permission from the Registrar's Office for access. Please complete the form. The form will be sent to your department's manager for approval first, and then to the Registrar's Office.

Once the Registrar's Office approves your application, your permissions will be set by Information Technology and you will receive notification of access within two business days after Registrar approval. 

Legal Notice

Along with the right to access the transcript of students at Cedar Crest College comes the responsibility to maintain the rights of students particularly as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Student records are open to faculty and staff that have a legitimate need to know their contents; however, you do have a responsibility to maintain confidentiality. Under the terms of FERPA, Cedar Crest College has established the following directory information: Student's Name, Local Address/Telephone Number, Permanent Address/Telephone Number, E-mail Address, Dates of Attendance, Degree(s) Received, Major or Program. All other information may not be released without written consent of the student. Grades, ID Number, Social Security Numbers, Ethnicity and Student Schedules should not be released to anyone other than the student under discussion and never over the phone.

Click Here for InfoNet Request Form

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