Opening and Saving Files using the FalconApps


The FalconApps server is an application delivery server that allows you to access software applications that are owned by the college and housed on campus - from anywhere and on both Windows and Apple computers.  

When using applications on the FalconApps Beta streaming server, you may need to save or open your work from your computer (as opposed to the network storage). 
Here is how you can accomplish that:

Saving Files to Your Computer in FalconApps

  1. In your application, click File --> Save As... or File --> Open

  2. Once you click Save As... or Open you will see the dialog box that allows you to choose where to save your file.  Scroll up and you will see "C on XXXX" where the XXXX is the name of your personal computer.  Select that from the list.

  3. Once you open the dialog box, you will need to navigate to the H: drive by scrolling down to save or open data files as pictured above.

    Note: We strongly recommend saving to H: and not your local computer.  File operations on your local computer will take longer to process than working on Cedar Crest's network.
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Article ID: 155704
Mon 5/22/23 10:40 AM
Thu 2/15/24 10:46 AM