Instructions on how to access, install, and use the applications associated with the FalconApps streaming application server.
Accessing SPSS through FalconApps Beta Streaming Server MacOS
The FalconApps server is an application delivery server that allows you to access software applications that are owned by the college and housed on campus - from anywhere and on both Windows and Apple computers. These are instructions on how to access the new, FalconApps Beta server version of SPSS for Summer of 2023.
The FalconApps server is an application delivery server that allows you to access software applications that are owned by the college, and housed on-campus - from anywhere, and on both Windows and Apple computers. When you connect to the FalconApps servee and running SPSS v28 for the first time, it will prompt you to authorize your SPSS licensing. This is required the first time anyone connects to SPSS. Here is how you do that.
When using applications on the FalconApps Beta streaming server, you may need to save or open your work from your computer (as opposed to the network storage).
Here is how you can accomplish that:
The FalconApps server is an application delivery server that allows you to access software applications that are owned by the college and housed on-campus - from anywhere and on both Windows and Apple computers.
SPSS being used with MacOS has a bug in relation to producing output files. To get around the bug, you will need to use your H: drive. Once you save on the H: drive, you will then need to access it via Microsoft Edge and upload it from the FalconApps server.
The FalconApps server is an application delivery server that allows you to access software applications that are owned by the college and housed on-campus - from anywhere and on both Windows and Apple computers.
In situations where you cannot save files locally, you will need to use your H: drive. Once you save on the H: drive, you will then need to access it via Microsoft Edge and upload it from the FalconApps server to OneDrive.