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- Campus Policies
Cedar Crest College recognizes the importance of diligence when it comes to the security of individual accounts and data. The landscape of internet, data, and technology-related security is ever-changing. To help the campus community stay current on best practices when it comes to securing their accounts, data, computers, and other technology devices, this policy defines our security training efforts.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
Access to computer systems and networks owned or operated by Cedar Crest College imposes certain responsibilities and obligations and is granted subject to College policies, and local, state, and federal laws. Acceptable use must be ethical, reflect academic honesty, and show restraint in the consumption of shared resources.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
Policy covering the creation and alteration of FalconNet account passwords.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
Cedar Crest College recognized the importance of protecting, securing, and backing up the data that is created and used by the College. This policy helps to define and communicate how we back up data, where it is stored, and for how long.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
The Office of Information Technology is primarily responsible for the support and usability of technology across campus, and within the cloud services to which we subscribe. To enable this in the best way possible, the Office of Information Technology has crafted this policy regarding purchasing technology products for the college, or for use with college systems.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
This policy governs the use of College technology resources remotely via VPN or other remote mechanisms.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
Policy for all College-owned mobile devices.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
The purpose of this document is to detail the methods that non-Cedar Crest individuals are authorized to use in order to provide support to the systems on campus.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Cedar Crest College operates in compliance with the provisions of the United States Federal Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), Public Law 110-315 concerning the verification of student identity in distance learning.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
The Office of Information Technology recognizes that the landscape of security is an increasingly challenging and dangerous area. Because of this we have crafted a policy that both protects the sensitive information that we are entrusted to safeguard, while still providing for the need to make that information available to outside groups. Because our email system is now blocking the open transmission of PII, we have provided an alternative method of transmitting this information.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
Cedar Crest College recognizes the importance of diligence when it comes to securing data. To address the issue of data security, this policy has been created in order to help create and maintain procedures and consistency in regards to data security, and also to remain compliant with applicable government regulations (FERPA, GLBA, GDPR). This policy applies to all Cedar Crest College employees, students and their data.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
Campus Systems require updating and patching from time to time in order to maintain proper security and functionality. To this effect, the Office of Information Technology follows this policy when updating or patching systems wherever possible. Unless specifically noted, this policy impacts all college-owned and managed computers, servers, and technology equipment.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
This policy is designed to clarify the configuration of the services that backup e-mail, and how long specific e-mails are kept within the Office 365 system. This policy applies to all Cedar Crest College employees, students and their e-mail data.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
To assure compatibility and consistency across campus, the Office of Information Technology publishes this Technology Standards document. This document defines the standards used in campus-wise technology devices. This document is not all-inclusive of the technology used on campus, but is meant to be used as a watermark by which to measure and evaluate technology initiatives.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
The responsibility for maintaining the servers, computers, and network infrastructure that is important to the college resides within the Office of Information Technology. An important aspect of this is to establish and maintain a regular schedule of maintenance on all systems.