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    List of technology that is not supported on the Cedar Crest College network.
    If you can't connect to FalconNet Wireless on a college owned device, this might help!
    Tips for connection issues on iOS devices to the FalconNet wireless system.
    What is EDUROAM and what can I do with it?
    Campus community directions for accessing the FalconNet Wireless system from an iOS device.
    Campus community directions for accessing the FalconNet Wireless system from a MacOS device.
    Registering streaming devices for wireless access on FalconStream
    Tips for connection issues on Android devices to the FalconNet wireless system.
    Tips for connection issues on Windows devices to the FalconNet wireless system.
    Tips for connection issues on MAC OS devices to the FalconNet wireless system.
    The Narrows Digital Commons area was designed to be the hub of innovation, collaboration and a driving force in the creativity of the community at Cedar Crest College.  This combination of three rooms features wireless presentation capabilities powered by BARCO.  These BARCO wireless presentation modules are easy to use and offer a great wireless experience.
    Campus community directions for accessing the FalconNet Wireless system in Windows 10 and 11.
    Troubleshooting wireless network issues in Butz Hall, Moore Hall and Steinbright Hall.
    General directions for connecting to the FalconNet wireless system with your chromebook
    Campus community directions for accessing the FalconNet Wireless system from an Android device.