Accessing Print Jobs from a Campus Ricoh Device


Employees who print to the EmployeePrint virtual printer queue, either from a College-owned computer or by using Mobility Print or WebPrint, can visit any of the touch-screen enabled Ricoh devices on campus to release and print their documents.

Employees can either swipe their College ID card or login using their Employee ID or FalconNet credentials to release documents sent to the virtual printer queue.

Available Actions

  • Scanner - Free to send to CC email account, personal network share folder (H:/ drive), or OneDrive folder
  • Photocopier - Charged to your department, cost is same as printing
  • Printer - Files sent to the FalconNet virtual Printer will be available to print at at release station

First Time Users 

Employees can login to any release station in 3 ways:

  1. Enter their FalconNet Username and password. 
  2. Enter their Employee ID number.
  3. Swipe their College ID card. 

If you wish to use your College ID, you must associate your card with your FalconNet username the FIRST time you use it. 

To do so:

  1. Swipe your ID card. The Ricoh screen will ask you to associate your account. 
  2. Enter your FalconNet username (ie, jasmith, not and your current password. Login, and it will link your ID card with your username. 
  3. You will be asked to swipe your card again. Voila! You will now be able to simply swipe your card at any release station to access your print jobs. 

Forget your card? No worries! You always have the option to login with your FalconNet credentials to access your print queue. 

Basic Ricoh Release Station Directions:  

Swipe ID Badge OR Enter your FalconNet Username and Password at the release station. 

Once finished at the release station, swipe your badge to log out or return to the PaperCut main menu and log out from there.    

If you do not press Logout, you will be automatically logged out after 60 seconds.

To Release Print Jobs:

  1. Select Print Release.  Jobs may be released  individually or all at once. After selecting the print job you would like to release, you have the option to print or cancel the job.  Print jobs automatically delete after printing.
  2. Use the Return key at the bottom of the screen to return to the main PaperCut menu.

To Make Copies: 

  1. Select Device Functions.  Then select Use Device Functions to access the HOME SCREEN.
  2. Select Copier (Classic) to access the Copy Features menu.  
  3. To access other functions, select the PaperCut key at the top left of the screen or the HOME key at the bottom center of the screen.

To Scan to your College Email, Network Share Folder, or OneDrive Folder:

  1. Select the Scan icon on the PaperCut menu. Select the option you are scanning to.
  2. To select a 2-sided original, color, file type, etc., select Settings.  Choose desired settings, place the original in the document feeder, and press Scan.  When placing originals on the glass, a prompt will appear after the first page to Send or Scan another page.  Press DONE to send the document.


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Article ID: 163245
Wed 7/24/24 2:26 PM
Wed 7/24/24 3:13 PM