Online students should have basic computer knowledge, with the ability to:
- start up, reboot, and shut down a computer
- load, launch, and quit a program
- save and retrieve a file to and from a CD or other removable media
- save and retrieve a file to and from a computer hard drive
- print a word processing document loaded from a USB drive or a computer
- adjust the settings for your printer
- use more than one program at a time
- highlight, cut/copy text from one source and paste it into another
- open and close menus and windows
- resize windows on your desktop
- create folders
- find, rename, or delete files
- create a document using a word processing program
- use spell and grammar checking capabilities of word processing software to edit and revise your work
- know how to access the Internet
- know how to read and delete email messages
- create, send, forward, and reply to email messages
- know how to send an attachment in email
- recognize the difference between an email address and a website address
- search for and access subject specific information using a search engine (e.g. Google, Bing)
- log into Canvas (Cedar Crest Online - the College's learning management system)
- access course files in Canvas
- submit assignments in Canvas
- send and receive messages in the Canvas Inbox.