At first it might seem like a flash of vanity to upload your picture to Office 365... or maybe you think you have to have a "Glamour Shot" ready to go to put your best foot forward? (Everyone remembers those, right?)
But in reality the ability to upload pictures to Office 365 profiles is one of the greatest security features built in to the platform. By uploading an image of yourself to Office 365 you are helping everyone in the community rest assured that the message is actually from you and not someone masquerading as you. For example, if you receive an e-mail that has my name on it but does not show my picture in Outlook or Outlook Web App, you can be assured it did not come from me. If you got it on your phone and you do not use the Outlook, you won't see the picture -- but if something sketchy comes through you can always wait to open it until you can use Outlook. The Office of Information Technology recommends that you use Outlook for iOS or Outlook for Android on your tablets and phones.
Because of the security risks involved with e-mail, the Office of Information Technology is asking that every faculty and staff member at Cedar Crest upload a picture to Office 365 as soon as possible.
The guidelines are broad: it should be professional, and something that you are comfortable with having represent you. It is strongly encouraged that the picture is of you, and clearly shows your face. Below are some quick instructions on how to upload a picture to Office 365, and if you have any questions you can always contact the Help Desk for assistance.
- To start, login to the Office 365 portal at: https://portal.office.com
- At the main tile screen, click on your name in the upper right hand corner to access your settings.

- Next, you will click on the place holder for a picture. Mine already has a picture, yours will have a blank head in that spot.

- A window will pop up with "Change Photo" as the headline. Click the Browse button to browse your computer for a photo. Select the photo, and Office 365 will automatically upload it.

- Your new picture will appear in the box. If you don't like it, you can click CHANGE and select another photo. When you are happy with your selection, click the SAVE button -- and you are all set!