Canova Commons NuVision Card Swipe and Credit Card Reader Connections

Canova Commons NuVision Card Swipe and Credit Card Reader Connections

The card swipe reader, credit card reader with printer are connected in a very specific way.  This should not be altered in any way without discussing it first.

Network Cable Connections

  • The Yellow cable connects the NetGear ProSafe switch to the network in the wall.  The only jack that is active in the wall is the lower right jack (orange).  No other jack will work.

  • The Black cable connects to the Credit Card Reader.
  • The Blue cable connects to the NuVision Card Reader (big one with the touchscreen for swiping ID cards).

  • The black and the blue cables need to go from their devices to the blue switch, the yellow cable needs to go from the switch to the wall jack.

If these cables are disconnected or where they are plugged in is switched up, one or more of these devices will not work.


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