Search5 Results
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendaring, & Meetings
- Outlook on the Web App
Directions to set up your email using the Outlook for iOS app or the built-in Mail app on your iOS mobile device.
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendaring, & Meetings
- Outlook on the Web App
Email directions for all Microsoft-supported mobile devices.
- Knowledge Base
- FalconLink
FalconLink is the universal application launch pad for Cedar Crest College's many applications. If you would like to add an application to FalconLink that only you will use, you can! In addition, you can also ask to have an app added to the single-sign-on library through this process.
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendaring, & Meetings
- Outlook on the Web App
If you own a Samsung, Nexus, or any other Android mobile device, you can set up your email using the Outlook for Android mobile app or the built-in Email app on your phone or tablet.