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    Classroom and Conference Spaces A/V Renovation Schedule
    We have a number of classrooms and conference rooms on campus that have a television or projector attached to a computer.  By default these are set to show the same thing on the projector or television that is on the computer, however this setting can easily be changed.  If you would like to change this setting or find that the display on the computer is not on the big screen, you can change it back quickly and easily.
    Microsoft Teams is the built-in collaboration, chat, meeting, sharing and conferencing system in Office 365. Here is how to use it in the PCR.
    The President's Conference Room is equipped with new equipment from Microsoft, Logitech, Jabra and Barco to help make meetings easy-to-attend, easy-to-host, run smoothly and look great on both ends of the meeting.  This is an overview of the Logitech SmartDock and the Windows interface to help you find your way around.
    The President's Conference Room is equipped with new equipment from Microsoft, Logitech, Jabra, and Barco to help make meetings easy-to-attend, easy-to-host, run smoothly and look great on both ends of the meeting.  This is an overview of the equipment in this room for your use.