Search5 Results
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendaring, & Meetings
- Outlook Client for Employees
Directions to set an out of office reply using the Outlook client.
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendaring, & Meetings
- Outlook on the Web App
Directions to set up your email using the Outlook for iOS app or the built-in Mail app on your iOS mobile device.
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendaring, & Meetings
- Outlook on the Web App
Email directions for all Microsoft-supported mobile devices.
- Knowledge Base
- Campus Policies
This policy is designed to clarify the configuration of the services that backup e-mail, and how long specific e-mails are kept within the Office 365 system. This policy applies to all Cedar Crest College employees, students and their e-mail data.
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendaring, & Meetings
- Outlook on the Web App
If you own a Samsung, Nexus, or any other Android mobile device, you can set up your email using the Outlook for Android mobile app or the built-in Email app on your phone or tablet.