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    Have a question about the Laptops for Learners program? You've come to the right place!
    What is the cost per year?
    Who is eligible to receive a device?
    The Laptops for Learners program offers each Cedar Crest student their own laptop/tablet device that is supported by the College. Here is what that device is!
    The Laptops for Learners program includes the full suite of applications available to Cedar Crest College students -- all just a few clicks away!
    The Laptops for Learners Bundle costs $1,200, paid in installments over the number of years it takes to complete your Cedar Crest degree (2024-2025 Academic Year).
    5/13/24 is the deadline for opt-in orders for the fall 2024 semester. This date ensures delivery in time for the start of the academic year.

    Orders placed after 5/13/24 cannot be guaranteed to be ready in time for the start of fall 2024 classes but will be available as soon as possible.