Jenzabar User Account Application


Please complete this form to apply for a Jenzabar user account. Once submitted, the form will be sent to your department supervisor for approval before the application is processed by Information Technology.

Access is given to departments who enter student information and purchasing data only. 
(Note: for viewing student information, please fill out the InfoNet Form instead.)

Confidentiality Clause

Some individuals may be given access to the student information systems and/or other administrative systems. The confidentiality of these records is governed by the federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (a.k.a. Buckley Amendment, FERPA). All information is confidential, and students have a right to expect that their scholastic records are being properly supervised and maintained. Communication of this information is restricted to other authorized parties in accordance with the provisions of FERPA. Requests for disclosure of this information must be approved by the appropriate administrative officer at Cedar Crest College. Each user is legally responsible for all activity originating from his or her account.

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