Microsoft Teams is an easy way to pull together a group to share, collaborate and communicate in one central location without the use of phone calls that take time away from our day or emails that can easily get buried. From directly within Teams we can bring everyone together to share information, securely edit files live and at the same time, bring together Microsoft Office 365 apps (OneDrive, OneNote, Planner, Forms, etc) and third-party apps and websites in one place, tag members of the team in conversations or actions and customize the work through adding notes (OneNote and others) and other applications.
Here is a quick overview of creating a single meeting in the Canvas LTI, and other alternatives.
For a more in-depth walk-through with Microsoft Teams, view the Tech Talk video training.
Creating a Meeting Link in a Canvas Module
Here are a couple of methods to get your Microsoft Teams meeting in Canvas for your students.
- The simplest, and most straight forward method is to use the built-in Teams LTI in Canvas. You can view a short video showing how to do that here: Schedule Teams Meeting in Canvas LTI.
Pros: Fast, easy to do, easily accessible for your students in a place they should be going regularly.
Cons: No meeting invitation sent via email, not in any student's Outlook calendar, can't make it recurring in the LTI.
- Within your Canvas course, access the module in which you would like to insert the meeting into.
- Click the EDIT button in the upper right corner of the module
- This opens the module editor.
- Next, click on the LTI option in the menu bar, and select Microsoft Teams Meetings
- If you are not already signed in, it may ask you to sign in to Teams (use FalconNet email, and password)
- Once signed in, click Create Meeting Link.
- Fill out the Title, Start Time/Date and End Time/Date for the meeting.
- Click Create. You will now have a link (with the name you specified) in your Canvas module that anyone with access to your Canvas course can use to join this meeting.
- Create in Teams
- To create a meeting in Teams, click on the Calendar icon on the left side 
- In the calendar grid, select the date and time you want the meeting to begin.
- Add the title, if you want to send invitations (you don't necessarily have to), the start/end time, if it repeats (such as every Tuesday @ 9:30), add a Teams Channel if you'd like, and a description. Then click Save.
- If you have invited your class (you can do it by individual name, or mailing list group name), they will all get invitations for their Outlook calendar. If you have not, you can still copy the link into your Canvas course module (which we recommend either way).
- Once you click Save, it will take about one minute, but then show up in your calendar grid.
- Once you have that in your calendar grid, you click on the meeting. This will bring up the calendar event for editing.
- At the bottom, you will see your meeting link. You can right-click on that, then left-click Copy Link.
- You can then take that link, and paste it into the Canvas course module, an e-mail, or anywhere else you might need it.

- This meeting is now on your calendar, and anyone else's you added to the meeting.
- Inserting the Teams Link into your Canvas Course Modules
- Access your Canvas course.
- Click on the Modules link, then the Module you wish to insert the link into.
- On the top right of the module page, click on Edit.

This will place you in Edit mode.
- Next, type the text you wish the students to see, such as "Join Class Meeting Here."
- Highlight that text, then click the Link button in the button bar: 
- Paste the link into the box that pops up, then click Insert Link.
- Click Save, and your link will be in your Canvas module.
For help editing the Canvas Module, see the video link above for Schedule Teams Meeting in Canvas LTI, this goes over how to access the module editor, and paste a link.