Before You Arrive

Learn more about the services offered by Cedar Crest College IT and get started with technology before you arrive on campus.

Update Your Password and Set Up Recovery on FalconLink

FalconLink is the universal application launch pad for Cedar Crest College's many applications.  Within FalconLink you will have the ability to change your FalconNet password, access your Cedar Crest Online (Canvas) courses, connect with Microsoft Office applications after signing in with your FalconNet account, MyCedarCrest, and much more.  Additionally, these services will all be linked via your login credentials to allow for either single sign on, or saved sign on capabilities.

Logging in to FalconLink for the First Time

Add your Email Account to your Mobile Device

New students will receive their email information prior to SOAR Orientation (first year traditional students) or within 5 business days after enrolling in classes. Login information will be sent to the student's personal email address.

Directions for adding your College email account to your smart device

Prep your Computer

View our recommended computer specifications and minimum requirements for Windows and Mac before bringing your computer to campus or buying a new one. 

Get a discount on desktops, laptops, tablets, and peripherals for Windows and Mac from several third party sellers.

View our Computer Recommendations and minimum requirements

Discounts on personal technology purchases

Download and Install Microsoft Office

Students are able to download the latest version of Microsoft Office on their personal device. Installing Office under your Cedar Crest College account will also enable you to use Office365 features, such as OneDrive and Outlook on the Web, on your own computer and in College computer labs.

Office 365 overview and download instructions

Install and Update Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware Software

The College's Acceptable Use Policy mandates that any computer, both on- and off-campus, must have anti-virus and anti-malware software installed, kept up-to-date, and enabled. Below is a list of recommended software, all free for personal use.

List of Suggested AntiVirus and AntiMalware Products for Personal Devices

Get Ready to Connect

Confirm that all of your devices, including Smart TVs, streaming and gaming devices will connect to the FalconNet Wireless system before you arrive on campus.  

Gaming devices requires an ethernet connection, so remember to pick up a CAT 6 ethernet cable in advance. 

Wireless Access for Smart TVs, Gaming Consoles, & Streaming Devices

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