Creating an Automatic Reply for a Shared Mailbox


If you have Delegate access to a shared mailbox, you can use the Outlook Web App to create an automatic reply for the shared mailbox. 

NOTE for Student Organizations: Club members, since you are logging into the mailbox, should following directions found HERE


  1. Login to Office 365. 
  2. Open the Outlook app.
  3. Access the shared mailbox. Directions can be found HERE

Once you are in the shared account:

  1. Click on the Gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Choose Automatic Replies.
  3. Choose Send Automatic Replies.
  4. From here, you can:
    1. Choose a date range for the reply. If you leave this unchecked, the reply will continue until you turn it off.
    2. Set Calendaring options (if you choose a date range only)
    3. Decide if you want to send to internal users only, or to both internal and external email addresses.
    4. Compose a different message for internal users and external users. NOTE: If you choose to send to external users, you must have a message in the second box, even if you wish to send the same message to internal and external users.
  5. Once done, click OK. Your automatic reply is set.
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