Sharing Files and Folders in OneDrive (Windows Explorer)


For employees or those using Microsoft's OneDrive installed client on their desktop via Explorer, sharing files and folders is quick and easy.  Share files to one person, a group or even people outside of Cedar Crest College.


  1. After opening Windows Explorer, select the folder in the left pane that says OneDrive or OneDrive - Cedar Crest College.  This will show you all of your OneDrive files in the right pane.

  2. Next, in the left pane - right click on the file or folder that you would like to share.  You will see the menu below pop-up.  From here, you can click view online or share to move forward.  If you click view online, it will open a web browser and show you the contents of the folder online, and you can share from there (here are instructions).  For our purposes, we will click on share.

  3. Next, you will see the Sharing dialog box.  From here you can select what permissions are being set, who the item is being shared with, add a message that will be sent to the recipient, copy a link to share in another application or even open this share in Outlook to send an email with the shared information in a more detailed message.

  4. Let's click on Anyone with this link can edit and we get this drop down that allows us to set who we are going to share this with.  

  5. Click on Specific People.  This is the best thing to default to, because it allows you to know and control who has access to your files.  Once selected, you can move to the next line and begin typing the name of the person (if a Cedar Crest College person) or an e-mail address (for non-Cedar Crest).  If this is a Cedar Crest person/people, it will give you a matching list you can select from.  Select the name of the person, and repeat as often as necessary to set the share for everyone you would like to share the file/folder to.  When done, you can select or deselect the Allow Editing check box.  If you allow editing, the recipients will be able to edit and delete your file(s) that you are sharing.

  6. Then click either Send or the Outlook icon to complete sending a message to the person/people to complete sharing and give them the link.
  7. Additionally, anytime you send a link to off-campus recipients, you should password-protect the link and restrict access to download the file (unless it is necessary). 

    Note: if you enter specific email addresses, this also secures the link to the file without specifying a password.

    Make sure you have "Can't Download" selected if appropriate.  Either select "People you choose" and input email addresses or select "Anyone" and set a password.
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