Webprint Directions for FalconPrint

Tags webprint


Students and employees that are using older devices that do not meet the minimum requirements for Mobility print can still use PaperCut's WebPrint feature to print to a FalconPrint release station. 

Webprint is a web-based printing service that allows you to upload your file and have it printed on campus. Because this service is web-based, there is a limit to the size of the files that can be printed, and only pdf are allowed. Because there's one print queue for all of campus, this method may take longer than using Mobility Print.

Related Article: FalconNet (PaperCut) Mobility Print


Go to https://ccc-papercut1:9192/user

If you receive an error message, please click here for help on accessing the website: PaperCut Certificate Errors

  1. Log in with FalconNet username and password
  2. Choose Web Print from list on the left
  3. Click submit a job
  4. Select FalconPrint from the printer list - Note: Students do not have access to print to any other printer listed on this page.  Submitting a job to those printers will not print your document.
  5. Click on the Print Options and Account Selection button at the bottom of the page
  6. Choose number of desired copies
  7. Click on the Upload Documents button and upload the document
  8. Click upload and complete

File Types

The following file types are allowed:

  • Adobe: PDF
Print Article


Article ID: 95405
Wed 1/8/20 4:12 PM
Fri 9/11/20 12:48 PM