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    The Office of Information Technology is committed to supporting the needs of all members of the Cedar Crest community. Our staff provides a broad range of technology services, including help desk services and lab support, AV/Media services, software and application support, and networking services.  The Office of Information Technology provides a wide variety of services to the campus community both in-person and through online mediums.

    Find locations and links to chat with the tech team
    The Office of Information Technology is happy to present our new series: Technology in One Minute
    To assure compatibility and consistency across campus, the Office of Information Technology publishes this Technology Standards document. This document defines the standards used in campus-wise technology devices. This document is not all-inclusive of the technology used on campus, but is meant to be used as a watermark by which to measure and evaluate technology initiatives.
    List of all available technology for classrooms and meeting spaces on campus.