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    Docuware is a web-based application and database that allows for the storage, retrieval, and sharing of information that replaces Alchemy.  There are multiple ways to get data into Docuware, including email, drag-and-drop, importing a file, scanning, direct data input, etc.  This article will help you to import, store, and organize the documents and information in an efficient way in Docuware and discuss email, import, and drag-and-dropping files into Docuware.
    Docuware is a web-based application and database that allows for the storage, retrieval, and sharing of information. This article will help you edit the metadata or index entries of a document already stored in your department's Docuware folder structure to correct information, or reclassify the document.
    Docuware is a web-based application and database that allows for the storage, retrieval, and sharing of information.  In 2020, we migrated our IRB process from MyCedarCrest to Docuware. This article will help the IRB Chair create a new user account for IRB Committee Members and assign the appropriate roles.