How to Reserve a College Vehicle


  • The College has five 12-passenger vans, one 8-passenger van, five 7-passenger vans and one wheelchair accessible van for use by the College community for College-related activities. 
  • Be conscious of how many people will be attending the trip. These vans are utilized by the entire campus, but mostly by our Athletic Teams and our Community Service groups. Please do not reserve more vans than you need.
  • If there are no vans available you will have to purchase a rental vehicle from Enterprise. These will be extra funds that you will need to petition for from the Student Government Association. All Enterprise vans need to be driven by someone 25 years of age or older. Any of our outside drivers are eligible to drive these vans.

Confirmations, rejections and requests for additional information will come directly from the Astra Schedule system to the person who requests the vehicle.

For any questions regarding van reservations please contact Rachel Sauer-Koeffler at


  1. Login to Astra Schedule at
    Your log-in to Astra Schedule is your FalconNet username and password. If you do not know what this is, please click HERE for more information.
  2. At the top of the window, choose Events, then Request Event.
  3. From the Event Request Form dropdown menu, choose Van (vehicle) Request Template and click Next. 
  4. Enter the following: (All items marked with an asterisk are required before moving on to the next section.)
    • Name and Email: By default, these fields will be auto filled with the person logged into AstraSchedule. 
    • Event Name: Please enter a detailed description of the event.
    • Driver Name(s):  Include a Driver* who has completed the proper paperwork to be a campus driver. ALL drivers must be listed under the College’s insurance with accurate paperwork on file. *If you are unsure of who your driver will be, fill this area TBD (to be determined). If you need a list of available approved drivers contact General Services. Drivers must complete a training course to become Van Certified if they are driving a vehicle larger than 7 passengers. It is your responsibility to contact and confirm your drivers. Outside drivers will incur an additional charge to your department/organization for driver’s compensation. Please note that your reservation will not be confirmed until you choose a driver!
    • Driver Phone Numbers: Please list the cell numbers of the drivers. Again, if your driver is unknown at the time of reservation, please enter TBD. 
    • Group Sponsoring Event: 
    • Charge Code for Trip: Please enter the appropriate charge code. You must enter this!
    • Group Advisor Name
    • Number of passengers, including the driver
    • Vehicle Destination: please enter the location or locations of the event you are traveling to. 
  5. If Cedar Crest College students will be passengers/drivers on this trip, check the box under “Details”. You should then notify campus police of the list of passengers using the Vehicle Occupancy List form found in the Files section on this page. Also familiarize yourself with the Vehicle Transportation Policy to see if you require more forms I.e. Waiver Liability. This policy and more can be found on the Request to Drive College Vehicles & Van Certification page. 
  6. Also check if seats need to be removed. 

Next, you need to add your dates and times. 

  1. Click on the Add Meeting button
  2. Choose Single, Multiple or Recurring as appropriate, and start/end dates and times.
  3. Meeting Name: please include the Driver name (or TBD) after the Meeting Name (ex, SGA Zoo Trip, Jane Smith). If you do not add this step there may be a delay in processing your request.
  4. Meeting Type: choose “vehicle reservation”
  5. Max Attendance: Fill in the maximum number of attendants as the number of passengers including the driver that you expect to attend the trip.
  6. Make sure that Requires Room is checked. Click Add Meeting. This will return you to the form. 
  7. Click the button “Assign Rooms.” Only the College vehicles will appear as a choice.
  8. Select a van by clicking the “Available” button and it will become green. Unavailable vans will show as red “Unavailable” buttons. Click the “OK” button in the bottom left corner once all trips have been assigned.
  9. Click the “Submit” button. You will get a kick-back notification that your request was received; and when your request is processed you will receive the final confirmation. At this point check the calendar in Astra to be sure your information is correct.

Van certification candidates will be contacted by the Director to set up a time to complete the classroom training session. The session takes approximately 2 hours and includes a vehicle road test. For more information, visit Request to Drive College Vehicles & Van Certification.

For any questions regarding van reservations please contact Rachel Sauer-Koeffler at

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Information on requesting to drive any College-owned vehicle, as well as certification information for driving 15-passenger vans.
Information regarding AstraSchedule reservation requests.

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Wed 9/18/19 11:06 AM