Instructors: Using the Faculty Course Control Portlet for Class Management


Within the Faculty Course Control portlet on the Faculty tab of My CedarCrest, you can:

  • View your Course Details for each course assigned to you.
  • View your Class list and download a roster sheet
  • Email your entire class
  • Enter grades


  1. Login to  This login information is separate from your FalconNet account, which you use to log to most other services on campus. For login assistance, visit our My CedarCrest Service Request page. 
  2. Click on the Faculty Tab at the top of the page. Once there, look for the Faculty Course Control portlet, located on the bottom right corner of the page. You will need to scroll in order to see it. Within the portlet, you will see your course list for the current semester or term.

NOTE: If you wish to see a different term, click on the View My Faculty Schedule link. From here, you can use the drop down to choose your preferred term, then click on the Search button. Keep in mind that your options are limited in future or past terms. 

Next, you have the option to:

View Course Details

To view the full details for your course from the main Faculty tab, use the drop down to go directly to Course Details. If you are on the Faculty Schedule page, click on the course number. 

Access Class List/Roster

From the main Faculty Course Control portlet, use the drop-down to go directly to Class List. On this page, you will see the list of students for the course.

Here, you can:

View a snapshot of each student including photo (if one is available)

  • Click on the blue "i" icon to the right of the student's name. 
  • NOTE: This link opens in a new window. If nothing happens when you click the link, it may be a pop-up blocker. For directions on disabling pop-up blockers, visit our knowledge base article

Email selected students or all students in the class.

  • To email the entire class, click on the check box next to the Email column heading to select all students, then click on the Email Selected Students at the bottom of the page.
  • You can also pick a few students, then click the same Email Selected Students link.
  • NOTE: This email message is sent using My CedarCrest's mail form. This does not go through Outlook, so you will not have a copy of this message in your Sent Folder. If you want a copy of the message, make sure to check Send a copy to yourself on the mail form before sending.

Email students' advisors

  • There is no select all option here, but the table does provide an email link to email an individual advisor if needed. 

Download a Class Roster

  • Above the student table, click on the Export to Excel link. This will download an Excel spreadsheet that can be used as a class roster. 
  • NOTE: This link opens the download in a new window. If nothing happens when you click the link, it may be a pop-up blocker that is preventing the file from downloading. For directions on disabling pop-up blockers, visit our knowledge base article

Enter Grades

  • From the main Faculty Course Control portlet, use the drop down to choose Grade Entry. From here, you can enter the grades for your course as appropriate for each students. 
  • If you need help entering grades, or are having issues entering grades, please contact the Registrar's Office at 610-606-4666 ext. 3765. 
  • NOTE: You can also enter grades from the Grade Entry portlet at the top of the Faculty Tab main page.
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Article ID: 65865
Tue 10/23/18 1:14 PM
Tue 10/23/18 1:18 PM