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    If you've forgotten your MyCedarCrest password - it is the same one you use to access FalconLink and Cedar Crest Online (Canvas). Because FalconNet now controls your MyCedarCrest login information, you will need to change your password via FalconLink Password Reset.
    MyCedarCrest is an online service that allows the College community to access information stored in Jenzabar in a web interface. Here is how you log into MyCedarCrest with your FalconNet username.
    Information for Group Leaders on managing their My CC group.
    A video walkthrough of logging into FalconLink, FalconNet email, and MyCedarCrest for the first tim
    Information for submitting a name change request.
    Directions on updating the semester for Housing Information
    Testing our applications, reports, and connections in our new environment are key components to the success of this project.  Because of this, we are making every effort to make testing the new environment available to as many people as possible, for as long as possible.  Please follow these instructions to get to, login, and access the new JICS (MyCedarCrest) environment.
    common errors and resolutions about this survey
    Updating your name in My CedarCrest
    Information for instructors to find Course Details, Class List / Course Roster, Email lists, and Grad entry.