Managing Junk Email from the Outlook Desktop Client


No one likes spam or junk email. The Outlook Junk Email Filter doesn’t stop delivery of junk email messages, but does the next best thing—it moves suspected spam to the Junk Email folder.

Link to Microsoft's help article

Quick Steps to Manage Junk Mail

  1. In your Junk Mail Folder, right click on the e-mail that is legitimate.

  2. Left click on Junk E-Mail Options

  3. Left click on Safe Senders

  4. Click on the check box labeled Also trust email from my Contacts and the one labeled Automatically add people I email to the Safe Senders List.   This used to happen automatically, but no longer does as of October, 2017.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Back in your Junk Email folder, right click on the e-mail that is legitimate.

  7. Left click on Not Junk.  This will add the sender to your Safe Senders list and should ensure that emails from this sender will always be delivered to your Inbox.

View Tech Talk Video on Managing Junk Mail in Outlook

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Article ID: 69243
Wed 12/19/18 11:55 AM
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