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    Directions to find your computer's name.
    Directions for finding your IP Address and Network Hardware (MAC) Address on your computer.
    Beginning in July of 2022, the Office of Information Technology will begin the process of replacing all of the existing Extreme wired networking equipment in each building on campus with modern Aruba networking switches and routers.  This process will bring the college network up-to-date with the latest routing, power-over-ethernet, network security, and traffic management technologies.  This article will keep you updated on the progress.
    The GlobalProtect VPN allows the Cedar Crest community to access our local network for a variety of different reasons.  One of those reasons is to access files that exist on our local server file shares, but the VPN does not map the familiar F:, H; and L: drives automatically.  Here are instructions on how to have a custom script written for you to access these network shares and how to use the script to connect to your network shares.
    Directions for mapping drives on your personal computer, or on College-owned laptop off-campus.
    Troubleshooting wireless network issues in Butz Hall, Moore Hall and Steinbright Hall.
    Cedar Crest College recognizes the critical nature of connecting to resources that are online; whether they are on a local network resource or the internet.  To facilitate the increased mobility that is present on our everyday lives, the College has executed a plan to cover the campus in the FalconNet Wireless Network.  This network ensures that all faculty, staff, and students can connect to their online resources with the best possible performance where they need to and when they need to.
    Directions for connecting to network folders on a Mac.
    The GlobalProtect VPN allows the Cedar Crest community to access our local network for a variety of different reasons. One of those reasons is to access files that exist on our local server file shares, but the VPN does not map the familiar F:, H; and L: drives automatically. Here are instructions on how to have a custom script written for you to access these network shares and how to use the script to connect to your network shares on your Mac.