Residents of Butz, Moore and Steinbright Halls have an Aruba Wireless Access Point in their room. This device delivers 802.11n/ac wireless service to your room, plus can also offer wired network access for your room. These devices are attached to the wall and have a network cable running behind them and in to a network port that connects them (and you) the network, and internet. This cable delivers network connectivity and power to the device and your room. In order for the wireless network in the residence halls to operate as they are designed, these devices are never to be unplugged, disconnected or moved in any way by students unless directed by the Office of Information Technology. Doing so may result in a reduced functional wireless network for you and the rest of residents in your building, and if damaged may result in a charge on your account.
The Office of Information Technology monitors every Aruba device that is installed in every room. When they go offline, or are performing in an erratic manner, our system alerts us. You may receive an e-mail asking you to reset your Wireless Access Point or to let us know what the lights look like on the device if this happens.

- The circled area will have the lights. They may be yellow, orange or green. This indicated it is functioning - perhaps properly, perhaps not. There are different models of these access points in rooms, so the lights may or may not match the color of your neighbors.
- If any of the lights are red, this means it is not functioning properly.
- If any of the lights are blinking, this may also indicate that the device is not functioning properly.
- The two arrows are printing to the two ports (in the middle) that you can plug in your computer, streaming media box or other device that is not wireless in order to connect it to the network. For a list of devices that you may not connect to the network or are otherwise unsupported, click here.
- There is also a cable that runs behind the device and into a network port. If you are asked to "reset your access point," you will need to follow that cable. Once you have found the end that is plugged in to the network port on the wall, unplug it - count to 5 - and plug it back in. The devices take approximately 5 minutes to reboot.
- If you are still experiencing issues with wireless, click here to report the issue.