Checklist - Before Your First Day of Work

Tags New employee

Welcome to the Falcon Family!

After your new hire paperwork has been processed, your FalconNet account and email information will be sent to the personal email address you provided. 

Your FalconNet account will be used to access almost every online resource on campus, so it's essential that you take these steps in advance so you're ready to work on your first day.

Below you will find links to directions or more information about each step in the checklist. 

To-Do Checklist

Add your Email Account to your Mobile Device

Download the Outlook Web App on your mobile device, and make sure that you are able to login before you arrive. You may be receiving other important information here before your first day, and this will give you time to call us if you need help!

Directions for adding your College email account to your smart device

Upload your Profile Picture for Office 365

The Office of Information Technology asks thatevery employee at Cedar Crest uploads a picture to Office 365. By uploading an image of yourself to Office 365 you are helping everyone in the community rest assured that the message is actually from you and not someone masquerading as you.The guidelines are broad: it should be professional, and something that you are comfortable with having represent you.  

Upload or Change Your Office 365 Picture

Browse the Knowledge Base and Services Catalog

The IT Support Center website is your one stop shop for much of the information you'll need as you start your position here at Cedar Crest College. Take some time to familiarize yourself with our services and where to find directions and other documentation on systems used on campus. Below are some suggestions of where to start!

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