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    Holding meetings online is a convenient way to connect with people, and Microsoft Teams helps us do this.  You can record and share these meetings in the case that you want others to see the live event later, or you want to pre-record a session or lecture to share with others asynchronously.  Here is how you do that.
    We are now using Stream on SharePoint. This article walks through the process of moving all Classic Stream videos into the new Stream on SharePoint. Classic Stream files are not automatically transferred to Stream on SharePoint.
    Microsoft Stream is a private video streaming application within Office 365.  It allows for uploading videos, transcribing audio to text, captioning, and several other features that might be useful to the campus community. Here is how you upload videos to Stream
    Microsoft Teams no longer automatically uploads videos to Stream, instead, it saves them to your OneDrive. Here is how you access the videos, and how you can upload them to Stream or share them from OneDrive.
    Sometimes when someone accesses a Stream video, it will play for about one minute, then kick them out with the error "Your session has expired. Click OK to login and continue."  This error is caused by the time or time zone on the computer being incorrect.
    Microsoft Stream is the defacto storage mechanism for recorded videos on campus, and from Microsoft Teams.  Teams will automatically upload your videos to Stream for you, preserving the permissions that were set in your meeting.  In other words, if 5 Cedar Crest folks were in the meeting, they will all automatically have access to the video - but no one else will.  If you'd like to generate a caption file, allow others to view the video, or set other things in Stream, here's how!